Sep 19, 2020Liked by Book Club by Numlock

I have always had a very unscientific way of classifying real food vs utter trash that tastes really good. Basically, does it resemble anything found in nature? Bread, sure. Cheetos, not so much (but mostly because of the color, so white cheddar Cheetos, maybe 🤷‍♀️) Clearly not a good system. But I found the NOVA system pretty cool. The book is not what I expected at all but I’m learning a lot — And remembering a lot of science I haven’t thought about in years. So it feels like a healthy choice (but still processed?)

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I really enjoyed the idea of getting into why processed foods came to be, “removal of cyanide” was not really what I had expected but I ended up really enjoying the path to like why we got to where we are now.

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Did anyone else look up some of those diets? Most of them I had never heard of. I had no idea that my eating habits actually fell under a combination of The Dakota Diet, The Four-Star Diet, The Uncle Sam Diet & The Easy-Does-It Diet. With this mix in mind, I'm telling people moving forward that I'm on The Supergroup Diet. As for the rest of the list, the three that sounded the most fun or least the coolest to me was The Martini Diet, The Peanut Butter Diet & The Warrior Diet.

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AHBL! The Preface rocked!! Also, have found the Footnotes useful and entertaining (Then again I'm a fan of Infinite Jest, so maybe I have an abnormal liking of Footnotes) In all I'm enjoying the book so far. Special shoutout to the super-cool NASA Ice Cream at the Air & Space Museum (I also had that as a kid) and the name dropping of the movie Snatch (Btw really liked the latest Guy Ritchie film The Gentlemen) "Have I made myself clear, boys?"

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While happy to get the confirmation that “natural” doesn’t mean good (or anything at all), I was surprised to find out how many plants are trying to kill us! Perhaps it’s just human arrogance that makes it seem like plants we’ve turned into crops don’t have their own defense systems that could hurt us.

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