Another wonderful book I would never pick on my own. Who knew the introduction of cardboard boxes would facilitate the rise of large grocery stores. Love the historical economics and the entire story of Joe.

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That seafood case. Will never think of the seafood case the same.

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I’m driving my husband crazy by having to read things out loud to him constantly (The invention of the box! Sales per square foot: Apple, Tiffany, Trader Joe’s! Discontinuous products!) But I’m really enjoying the book, clearly. Although I think it says something about my acceptance of the system that the seafood case was pretty much exactly how I would predict it works: the grossness is ignored because it can be, until someone remembers to pay attention to some automated calendar alert and order the team in to clean it. (I’m telling you, if you’ve ever been responsible for maintaining a soft-serve ice cream machine, you probably don’t trust low-paid teenagers to do a great job of it.)

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I really like this book so far. I lived a couple minutes away from Pirate Joe's when it still existed and for my family TJs was always almost mythical. Every time my family has gone down to Bellingham, TJs is a mandatory stop for exactly the reason the book describes - everything there is outstanding in some way making it always extremely interesting.

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Didn't think it was possible for me to love Trader Joe's even more! The Egg Man, Wine Tasting, Product Naming and all them Joe stories are awesome!! I want a whole book on that!!! Btw that Seafood Case beginning to the book was amazing. The whole time though I'm just thinking please let this story end in a way that I will still be able to buy and eat seafood from a Grocery Store. Anyways, loving this book so far. However, in the intro the author says "the ceaseless shitty Hall & Oates music" and well I can't go for that!

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I enjoy shopping at Trader Joe’s. I have not worked in the food system. The book arrives tomorrow. Most interested since this topic is completely outside my usual book purchases.

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I'm seriously digging this book! It's got a real vivacity and it's endlessly interesting. The moment that he revealed who Joe was was brilliantly played, and I thought the tour through grocery history was really deftly navigated. I'm really loving it.

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This has been a really interesting read so far. I think the most fascinating thing is the fact that Joe can look at things completely unrelated to groceries and come up with these theory papers. It's almost like a weird "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" but for grocery stores.

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Still a few pages left, but Joe strikes me as someone who has become the very thing he sought to conquer. He’s clearly been on a different level from his direct rivals and yet I personally (perhaps because I see shades of myself in him) still find him and his brand to be a little overrated. He may be the smartest guy in his business but I definitely fit the mold of someone he thinks he could win over and yet... I’m not convinced.

Which is ultimately why I’m looking forward to (and so far enjoying the book) this particular book. I’m excited to see if I’m as much of a “discerning buyer” as I think I am (or if I’m just another sheep).

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My Top 5 Hall & Oates Songs: 1. You Make My Dreams 2. Private Eyes 3. One On One 4. Kiss On My List 5. Out of Touch Most Underrated Song: Family Man

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Query: was Southlands (7-11) acquisition of Adohr anticompetitive? Not fully understanding what about that deal made Joe "know he was doomed." Is it just that 7-11 is entering the market?

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