The more things change, the more they stay the same. I was struck by how we as a society have done nothing to stop the greed of companies and how they treat women.

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A successful well-respected company doing work that helped the war effort and did so many good things. Young, less than high-school graduate working class women doing a job that paid well and helped them until they could get married and stay home and raise children. Dental problems with no obvious cause at a time when medicine was just beginning to be a scientific field. Doctors who would come to any conclusion you paid them to come to. Medical care that was bankrupting families 100 years ago. (Sound familiar.) A disease that no one knew about and a fragmented system of care. Corporations by definition are immoral. With COVID-19, you see some of the same issues. Unnecessary deaths, politicians acting like corporations and working class much more affected. Things just move faster these days.

I like the storytelling of the book. It gives you a sense of how things evolved and how the various humans were reacting and affected.

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Disintegration! What a brutal absolutely godawful way to suffer and die!! Also that company photograph of all the girls is so unbelievably haunting. "As the shutter closed, it captured them all together, frozen in time for just one moment. The girls of Radium Dial, outside their studio forever young and happy and well. On the photographic film at least"

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