It's so sad to see how happy these girls are, and so proud to be working there, knowing what their ultimate fates will be. The writing is brilliant in it's ability to evoke such a response.

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Its amazing to me how little has changed; People still tout the benefits of “miracle” products and claim they are safe even when there is no proof of their safety or effectiveness

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I can't believe I'd never heard about this, especially since I work in the sciences. You hear about Marie Curie and the tragedy associated with her study of radioactive material, but at least that feels like a noble sacrifice for science to learn more (even if it didn't need to happen with the proper precautions). This just feels like sacrificing young women for commercial profit because they couldn't be bothered to care what the risks were. This is definitely a story that needs to be told and, more importantly, needs to be heard.

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Marketing in the US is an ancient art. These are young undereducated working class girls (mostly) who are out to work hard and earn a living doing work that helped the war effort and paid well. What could go wrong.

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The Radium Eclipse Sprayer! Unbelievable all the marketing around Radium. Sadly not much has changed these days other than the product. Still can't believe I never heard about this until now!!

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